May 8, 2008

Q #7

This play reveals about us about how humans are foolish that when humans do not have freedom, they search for it, but when they gain freedom, they suffer for too much freedom. Anne Frank and her family desires freedom during the Holocaust. However, modern people suffer because of the freedom to love, freedom to attempt murder, and tons of other freedoms that they have. Humans did not gain happiness either when they did not have freedom or did have freedom. Perhaps, humans cannot gain happiness by themselves.
Power of love is so strong that it can give happiness to people nearby. In the play, since Anne was happy, other people became happy, too.
Courage and hope makes a person happy that they have future. Courage and hope is also a process to a goal. When a person have courage and hope, even though they do not reach the goal they are happy because they have tried best to gain courage and hope in a miserable situation. However, if a person do not have courage and hope, sadness and depression are the process to his or her goal. Even though that person reaches his or her goal, since his or her process were fulfilled with sadness and depression, the achieved goal will not give him or her happiness.
The theme of this play is happiness. This relates to "Prison Break." In "Prison Break," two men tries to put Burrows into death. However, one of them decides to take a risk and quit that job because he was not happy with it. Though he faces death, at least, his death was justice.

Q #6

Holocaust does not only teach us about how the Jews suffered. It also teaches us how we are fortunate to be in the world with peace.

Q #5m

If I could interview survivors of the Holocaust, I will ask them, how they survived, how they communicated, how they knew what was happening outside, and if the persecuters desired to kill the Jews.

Q #5f

The Hanukah celebration was interrupted by a robber. Then, after the robber was out of the house, Green Police came into the house. Peter made the situation worse by letting his cat make noises.

Q #5c

Anne and Peter have typcial teenage attitudes. E.g. Anne asked her father to stay with her when she had a nightmare. Peter tease Anne by calling her "Ms. Quack."

Q #5b

The most difficult part about hiding in the house is that you have to give up some of your identites, such as sports or communication. Loosing your identity and being someone who you are not, is difficult.

Q #5a

The statement "There are no walls, there are not bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind," states that people can control you physically, however, they cannot control your mind. I agree with this statement because our mind depends on our decisions.

Q #4c

While Anne is dreaming, Anne does not know if the dream is real or not. But we as audience know that it is a dream. This makes me feel good because I know more things that Anne does.

May 1, 2008

Q #3

The theme of the play "Anne Frank" is that happiness is greater than death. Human's concept of death is very dark and depressing. However, if human die with happiness, human's original concept of death no longer exists. Now the concept of death will be bright. Anne Frank's happiness did not only impact her, but also impacted her companies. Her happiness made her family and friends also happy. Though Anne Frank was executed in the Holocaust, she was happy. Anne Frank's death was a disaster to Anne's family. However, at least her death might not have been a disaster to herself. Perhaps, her happiness covered her death and allowed her to change her concept of death.

Q #2

Prejudice is an opinion that is unreasonable towards someone. Prejudice is found in schools. Students often have a negative opinion towards a student who are nerdy and not "cool." Sometimes, this leads to suicide. Whatever the results and effects of prejudice is, it is not good.

Q #1

Holocaust was the execution of Europeans. Many people died. I've heard many jokes about holocaust, but I think this is about all I know. Now it's time for me to adventure MUHAHA.